Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I spent Monday night / Tuesday morning with my cousins ( mamat & khaleed) plus my sis. It was really nice to be talking bout everything, especially about my grandpa.

Today, i missed him more than ever. To add to that, we talked bout our late aunt too. I miss her too.

It doesn't rain but it pours. I hope I don't have to lose someone close to me too, even if we'll meet again years later. I want you to be here with us. Not there :'( I'm hoping all this is just a bad dream. I'll miss you so.. God, let this just be a phase where he'll get off unscathed. Please.

Just so you all know, i love all of you. Even those who have hurt me and vice versa.

Take the time to let the people close to you that you love them. Life's too short so don't waste it. You never know when you'll ever get to see them again.


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