Saturday, December 05, 2009

Holiday mood is here

Hrmmmm i is so lazy now when it comes to updating my blog. Anyway! A week more to the holidays. I can't wait. Wonder where my parents wanna bring me to this holiday. Phuket? Hmmm.

- A fight just broke out at the coffeeshop. Malay youngsters. Tsk. Kentalism you know. One minute they were shouting at each other, then one of the guy ran into some blocks. The rest chased after him. Like a few guys against one. -.- not really sure though. But anyway i think its a wrong move to go into the blocks. Confirm kene rembat.

OK STOP!! Omg i so kepo hor? HAHAHA. But i was blogging when it happened! Might as well i update bout it lor. Definitely something more interesting than talking bout school right?!

Talking bout school, I think my attendance this week was really bad. I skipped twice! One was unintentional! I overslept. :( Nvm, i'll only need to endure a week more!

So the other time, i finally stepped on marina barrage! I know right, so ketinggalan zaman. Haha. Lovely view at night! Took alot of photos which i havent uploaded of course. Like you don't know me like that. Heehee.

Okayla, i is so tired typing from my itouch. Keyboard so small!! Byeeeeeee.

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