Tuesday, September 22, 2009

live, laugh, love

Here are some photos from the first and second day of Raya! (I'm not in the photos from second day because I don't like taking photos while in home clothes and all the guests are looking awesome in the traditional clothes. Awkward la. Hehe.)

Niece and nephew! :)
The children and in-laws of my parents.
All of us! I love. :D
Mum's side. Except for the ones in orange. They're on my dad's side but they came really late. Doesn't matter actually, we all get along very well anyways!
Dad's side!
Mum's side. Over at my aunt's place to visit grandpa. =) I want to put photos of me and grandpa but he too sexy la. He didn't put on his top. Hahaha.
Abg Erwin's side!
Dad's side. They like to tease me. Hahaha.
Today, since me and sister were bored at home, we decided to make "Money Bags". Hahaha its dumpling actually but it looks like money bags thus the name. Hehe its awesome! Sister is on annual leave next week so we're planning to bake and cook something different then. I am so going to make Oreo Cheesecake! Hehehe.
There! They look pretty don't you think? Hahaha.

Anyway girls drop by http://vivalabombom.livejournal.com/2124.html if you're free! My friend's selling some of her stuffs. :)