"Surprised Nadiah in class today for her birthday and it was awesome.Though she pretended to be shy, like 99.9% of the time, but that made me laughed even more because she was just not being herself. I have to face her 'im shy sia', instead of 'sheila, i got such a nice smile rightt'. Always self proclaiming herself, but on her special day she was just being so 'oh-im-really-shy'. HAHA! Youve turned 18 hunney, so behave like your age! Nyehehe."
Familiar much? Hehe! Well hunney, I hope you liked what we did for you today and it's so nice to see that smile etched on your pretty face. And I wish you all the lovely blessings in the world and may you get what you ever wished and dreamt for love.
I love you babe :)